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This program is designed for those parents and children, who don’t know which sport is the right one and where they should start. Give children the best start by covering the majority of skills and sports. 

Program in numbers
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That's the recommended age for this stage.

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3 main parts:

FUNdamental skills, Sport specific skills, and games. 

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A coach should be able to handle up to 6 kids.

Example: Group of 18 kids should have at least 3 coaches.

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The class duration should be 60 minutes.


This program is designed for those parents and children, who don’t know which sport is the right one and where they should start. We introduce a new and unique method that drives children to develop their motor skills for life and any sport. Multi-Skills delivers intense movement trainings full of joy and interaction. This course will demonstrate to the children variety of sports like football, tennis, basketball, baseball, hockey, gymnastics, athletics. 


good behavior – respect for the coach and the other players, appreciation for own material stuff and material provided by the tennis club


equipment - sports shoes, sporty clothing, racket or other equipment, beverage


Everything what is related to “sport of the week”, so in this program material and equipment is crucial. It’s important to always prepare the session in advance, so more difficult set-ups like basketball, gymnastic or baseball are well prepared. 


Examples of material and equipment: Ball with different sizes – basketball, football, tennis, baseball…, goals, nets, basic gymnastic equipment, hockey stick, balance desks and many more. 

Structure of the lesson

We recommend splitting the lesson into 3 different parts.


In part one, we recommend focusing on general body movements and important FUNdamental skills. Kids are still fresh and able to focus, so we need to use this time wisely. Try to implement these skills into the first part:  

  • Locomotor skills such as running, jumping, hopping, galloping, rolling, leaping and dodging, horizontal jump, slide. 

  • Manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, striking and trapping, dribble, overhand throw, and underhand roll 

  • Stability skills such as balance, twisting, turning, and bending


Multi-skills is not just about skills as it says in the name but also about introducing a variety of sports. Each week/month we select the main sport and part two should focus on practicing the skills and rules necessary to play the selected sport.  In football it’s e.g., passing the ball, in basketball – throwing the ball.


Last part of the session is game. We try to apply the skills and knowledge from part 2 into the game. Of course, it’s not always possible to follow all rules and kids might struggle with technical aspects of the game as well. Each game is possible to modify, so kids are able to enjoy even sports like baseball or basketball. Think of a basketball without the traveling rule and lowering the basket level. All of a sudden, It’s not as complicated as the “real” game. 

Multi-skills program in tennis clubs

Even if you offer the multi-skills program as a tennis club, it doesn’t mean that kids will not play tennis. We should introduce tennis as one of the sports and show kids all the great things about this beautiful sport. On the other hand, when we see the potential of the kid in something else e.g., great athletic abilities such as jumping or throwing, we need to deliver this message to the parents or specific sports clubs. Try to keep parents and kids updated with reports, where you point out the results in each sport and greatest potential to succuss in a specific sport.


This program can be offered also to people who have dropped out of a sport training as a multi-sport approach. Each week/month is the focus on different activity, so 16–25-year-old age group can re-engage and stay active. Especially nowadays there are not many programs for children who has not succussed in a sport at younger age. Most of the clubs put pressure on competition and majority of the kids have no option than to quit. With multi-sport program you keep kids in the sport environment, make them socialize and have fun. Who knows, someone might find him/herself good at a new sport and be able to catch-up those who has started way earlier. 

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