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Active start

Here it all begins. Kids between 4 and 6 are introduced to the basic movements and guided to the first tennis steps. It’s all about FUN!


The objective of this program is to teach the children fundamental movement skills. We introduce the children to the basic movements and guide them to the first tennis steps. They begin to remember and repeat simple actions with increasing control, showing Agility, Balance, and Coordination. They also observe, copy and describe what they have learned, suggesting how to improve. We also focus on the positioning of the body, hands, and feet to ball receiving and tracking. The first steps with the racket are also explained, such as how to hold the racket, how to swing it, and how to hit a ball. But remember, at this age, it is all about FUN!

Program in numbers
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That's the recommended age for this stage.

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3 main structures

Warm-up, Fundamental skills, and game.

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A coach should be able to handle up to 6 kids.

Example: Group of 18 kids should have at least 3 coaches.

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Class duration should be no longer than 45 minutes


Good behavior – respect for the coach and the other players, appreciation for own material stuff and material provided by the tennis club


Tennis equipment – tennis shoes, tennis clothing, racket, beverage


The goal is to set up the court as a playground. The best way is to use as much material as possible, to keep it varied and interesting.

We recommend using:

Foam, air and low pressured red balls, mini nets, agility ladder, cones, circles, rackets, targets and even more.

Structure of the lesson

As we know, the ability of children at the age of 4-5 years to pay attention to one activity is extremely short. It is also very important to remember that children at this age come to play with their friends and the best way how to interest them is to set up the court as a playground. Therefore, we recommend splitting the lesson into 3 parts. Every part includes diverse activities on different stations, in order to make the lesson as varied as possible, to ensure the children will not get bored. 

Each lesson consists of 3 main parts:

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All kids start with a warm-up together. Afterward, we recommend splitting the group into 2 or 3 smaller groups, depending on the number of players and coaches. FUNdamental movement skills are separated into more stations and the groups rotate the stations after a certain amount of time. In the last part of the lesson, games, we can regroup all kids together, so they can learn how to work in a team, socialize, and have FUN.          


  1. WARM-UP - active and passive movements with the involvement of all body parts, in order to prevent injury

  2. FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS - footwork, agility, balance and speed exercises, hand-eye coordination, racket and ball exercises

  3. GAMES - Variations of games, while having FUN

Recommended time split of the lesson:

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Exercises, drills and game examples


  • Agility ladder, 8 different exercises 

  • Running the cones, zigzag, sideways

  • Running the lines

  • Jumping the circles

  • Crawling

  • Trying to step on each other foot, in couples, touch each other knee

  • Walking with the ball on the racket, walking between the cones

  • Running with the ball on the racket

  • Bouncing the ball with hands, dribble, with one hand

  • Throwing the ball to each other, 2 hands, 1 hand, with and without the bounce, over the net

  • Bouncing the ball with the racket, up and down

  • Throwing the ball on target, into the goal, into the basket

  • Trying to hit the ball with the racket after one bounce

  • Blocking the ball with the racket, volley, (coach throwing the ball, other player)

  • Rolling the ball on the racket

  • Pushing the ball on the ground with the racket between the cones

  • Rolling the ball to each other

  • Passing the ball to each other with foot



  • Ball war, during the one song

  • Spider

  • Jungle

  • Relays, in teams                                               

  • Relays with obstacles

  • Red light - green light, freeze!       

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